Simultaneous means at the same time. Simultaneous equations have the same value of each unknown for all the equations. So all the x s in every equation are worth the same amount. All the y s for every equation are worth the same amount and so on.
When we have two unknowns, we need two equations to work them out. If we have three unknowns, we need three equations and so the list goes on. At GCSE level, you will need to know how to deal with two unknowns at Foundation level and three at Higher level.
Look at the idea around simultaneous linear equations.
Finding the intercept points between a circle and a straight line graph.
Solving simultaneous equations PowerPoint including a circle and a straight line.
A different way of presenting simultaneous equations
Looking at the things to think about when solving simultaneous equations with an equal absolute co-efficient in each equation.
Looking at the different steps involved in solving simultaneous linear equations.
Video on solving simultaneous equations using matrices. This might seem a little long winded for the equations given but once you get your head around it, it offers a viable alternative to the more conventional substitution and elimination methods.