Fractions or rational numbers can take all kinds of format. Decimal fractions have a decimal point between the whole and the partial numbers; a numerator separated from its denominator by a vinculum denotes what most people think of as a fraction. In addition to this, there are partial, improper and algebraic fractions, not to mention percentages and ratio.
Equivalent fractions point to the same place on the number line. They have the same value and so are equal to each other. This sometimes proves useful when doing calculations with fractions as moving formats sometimes makes the calculation easier to do. Often, fractions, decimals and percentages are referred to as FDP.
Putting decimals on a number line, adding numbers, converting text to figures, partitioning decimals, ordering decimals, adding decimals and locating places on a number line.
Ordering, adding, partitioning, subtracting and finding number bonds to 100 in decimal format.
Putting decimals on a number line, adding numbers, converting text to figures, partitioning decimals, ordering decimals, adding decimals and locating places on a number line.
Placing numbers on a numberline, number bonds to 10, saying decimals, addition, ordering, partitioning, money and converting text to figures.
Adding whole numbers and writing numbers as figures, partitioning and rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.
Putting decimals on a number line, adding numbers, converting text to figures, partitioning decimals, ordering decimals, rounding, adding decimals and locating places on a number line.
Placing numbers on a numberline, number bonds to 10, saying decimals, addition, ordering, partitioning, money and converting text to figures.
Putting decimals on a number line, adding numbers, converting figures to words, partitioning decimals, ordering decimals, rounding, adding decimals and locating places on a number line.
Ordering numbers, converting text to figures, addition, placing numbers on a numberline, problem solving, talking numbers, number bonds to 10, converting figures to words.
Ordering numbers, converting text to figures, addition, placing numbers on a numberline, problem solving, talking numbers, number bonds to 10, converting figures to words.
Ordering numbers, converting text to figures, addition, placing numbers on a numberline, problem solving, talking numbers, number bonds to 10, converting figures to words.
Ordering numbers, converting text to figures, addition, placing numbers on a numberline, problem solving, talking numbers, number bonds to 10, converting figures to words.
Multiplication, division, squaring fractions, changing terminating decimals into fractions
Bar models, percentage of amounts, reciprocals, equating fraction of amounts with percentage of amounts, rounding decimals to two decimal places, greater than, less than, percentage of a fraction of an amount.
Mixed numbers to improper fractions, multiplying fractions, division or fractions, addition and subtraction of fractions.
Mixed numbers to improper fractions, multiplying fractions, division or fractions, addition and subtraction of fractions, Problems involving fractions.
Write one number as a fraction of another, write ratios, simplify ratios, write ratios in the form 1:n
Cancelling down fractions. Do the cancelling before you start doing any multiplying.
Video on cancelling down fractions. Do the cancelling before you start doing any multiplying.
Fewer questions on cancelling down fractions. Do the cancelling before you start doing any multiplying.
Convert decimals to fractions, decimals into mixed numbers, fractions into mixed numbers.
Booklet on decimals using all four number operations, problems including perimeter, area and money, ordering fractions, decimals and percentages.
A self-marking spreadsheet on converting tenths, hundredths and common fractions from decimals to fractions and vice versa.
A PowerPoint presentation on dividing fractions using Keep Change Flip method.
A self-marking spreadsheet on equivalent fractions. Slightly harder questions that Equivalent Fractions 1.
Bar model, fractions of amounts, multiplying fractions, dividing fractions, multiplying and adding mixed numbers, eqivalence, reciprocals
Identify shaded frations including halves, quarters, wholes, eighths, equivalence if you insist on each answer given in its simplest form.
18 pages of questions on fractions including fraction of shaded shapes, fractions of an amount, equivalent fractions, FDP, ordering FDP, percentage of amounts, percentage increase, problems invloving FDP, SATs questions on fractionsm, division of fractions, addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator, addition of fractions with mixed denominators, addition of mixed numbers.
Video on equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages and showing you how to convert from one format to another.
Identify more complex shaded fractions and will include equivalence if you insist on each answer given in its simplest form.
Cancelling down fractions, addition of fractions, subtraction of fractions, multiplying fractions, dividing fractions, equivalent fractions, multiplying mixed numbers, dividing mixed numbers, fractions of amounts, conversion of decimals to fractions, decimals to mixed numbers, convert fractions to mixed numbers.
National curriculum levels one and two questions on fractions.
Self marking spreadsheet on adding and subtracting mixed numbers.
Identify shaded fractions and will include equivalence if you insist on each answer given in its simplest form.
Self marking spreadsheet on adding and subtracting mixed numbers.
Identify shaded fractions and will include equivalence if you insist on each answer given in its simplest form.
Example on ordering fractions followed by easier questions and then more challenging ones.
The reciprocal of a number multiplied by the number gives a product of 1. See if you can figure out which value proves to be the reciprocal.
The reciprocal of a number multiplied by the number gives a product of 1. See if you can figure out which value proves to be the reciprocal.
Video on converting a recurring decimal into a fraction.
Revision of basic fractions information including identifying fractions, adding and subtracting related and unrelated fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions.
Revision of basic fractions information including identifying fractions, adding and subtracting related and unrelated fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions.
Provides a template for multiplying fractions together for children first learning the skill or those who find it a little more difficult.