Ratio is very similar to proportion in that we are comparing one thing with another. We split ratio into parts and the order of the parts follows the description of the parts in the same order. For example, red, blue and green pens were split in the ratio 4:5:12. That means for every 4 red pens, there were 5 blue ones and 12 green ones. So the order of the description and order of the numbers given in a ratio match up exactly.
When reading ratio, we read the colon or two dots as 'to'. Ratios are always given as integers or whole numbers except when you are asked to write them in the form 1:n or n:1. On these occasions, you may well end up with a decimal fraction.
Money problems involving ratio or ratio problems involving money epending on how you choose to look at it.
There are examples of how to write ratios in the form 1:n and then lots of questions.
Problems that involve calculating a fraction of an amount, a percentage of an amount and the ratio of amounts to find the final answer.
Convert fractions into ratios and ratios into fractions. Simplifying algebraic ratios.
Marking points on a scale or number line. You might need a piece of string with this one.
Gives bar models example to aid understanding of finding one part to solve the problem. More advanced questions for the more able combining two different ratios to determine an answer later on.
Ratio including number of parts, find the value of one part, find the values of various parts, convert ratio to fractions, Exchange rates
Ratio including number of parts, find the value of one part, find the values of various parts, convert ratio to fractions, Exchange rates
Trying to determine the answer to a ratio question when you have a difference involved in the initial stages of the calculation.