Multiplication is a way of repeatedly adding the same number over and again. For instance, 3 x 4 = 4 + 4 + 4 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12.
The answer in a multiplication question is called the product.
Five times table
A self marking spreadsheet on the five times table.
Squares and square roots
A worksheet on square numbers and square roots. Some work on cubed roots and estimating square roots is included.
Cubed roots
This could either be calculator practice finding cubed roots of numbers unless you know how to find the cubed root of any cubed number (up to 6 digits in my case).
Grid method multiplication of expressions
Grid method multiplication of expressions which allow you to do more complex expansions without the fear of having missed a bit.
Three times table
A self marking spreadsheet on the three times table.
Decimal Multiplication
A video on multiplying two decimals together.
A self marking spreadsheet on doubling.
Doubling Tens
A self marking spreadsheet on doubling multiples of 10.
Eight times table
A self marking spreadsheet on the eight times table.
Seven times table
A self marking spreadsheet on the seven times table.
Fifty times table
A self marking spreadsheet on the fifty times table.
Four times table
A self marking spreadsheet on the four times table.
Grid Method Multiplication
A video on grid method multiplication.
Grid Method Multiplication
A self marking spreadsheet on grid method multiplication.
Video on Long Multiplication
A video on long multiplication.
Long Multiplication
A self marking spreadsheet on long multiplication.
Minus Two times table
A self marking spreadsheet on the minus two times table.
Multiples of ten
A self marking spreadsheet on multiples of ten.
Video on Multiplication and Division
A video on multiplication and division.
Grid Method Multiplication of numbers, algebra and surds
A video on grid method multiplication of numbers, algebra and surds.
Multiplication of decimals
A video on multiplication of decimals using long multiplication.
Multiplication including a few questions on factorals.
Video on Multiplying by 10 to the power of n.
A Video on Multiplying by 10 to the power of n. In effect, this means multiplying by 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000 etc.
Multiplying by 10
A self marking spreadsheet on multiplying by ten.
Addition, subtraction and multiplication of negative numbers
A Video on addition, subtraction and multiplication of negative numbers.
Problem solving
A Video problem solving multiplication.
A self marking spreadsheet reasoning with multiplication and division.
Reasoning about multiplication
A self marking spreadsheet filling in the fact families of multiplication and division.
A self marking spreadsheet filling in the fact families of multiplication and division from one given fact.
Seven times table sheets
Four worksheets based on the seven times table. Includes multiplication grid and reading measurements, multiplication of fractions and fill in the missing blanks.
Six times table
A self marking spreadsheet on the six times table.
Two times table
A self marking spreadsheet on the two times table.
Using counters to multiply
A Video on using couters to multiply.
Multiplication Treasure Trove
Multiplication grids to complete, grid method questions, rounding to powers of ten, decimal places adn significant figures, standard form, FDP Ratio equivalence, probability, fractions and surds info, factorising using grid method.
Multiples of 10 Calculator
Multiply and Divide by 10, 100, 1000 etc.
Long Multiplication
Practise long multiplication including with decimals
Long multiplication
Exam type questions on long multiplication
Multiplication Wheels
Multiplication Wheels. The central number is the times table. Multiply this by the middle number to find the number that is due in the outside wheel.